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Laser Treatments
SkinTyte® Treatments
Youthful Confidence. Remarkable Results.
Improve the appearance of sagging skin
As people age, the skin ages too, losing its natural collagen and elasticity. Until recently, surgical procedures were the only option for truly relieving this concern. However, Sciton’s advanced technology allows for a new way to address sagging skin without the need for significant downtime associated with surgery. It’s called SkinTyte, and it can be used anywhere on the face, neck, or body!

How it Works
SkinTyte as one of the safest, most optimized, most cost-effective ways to give patients younger-looking skin.
SkinTyte utilizes advanced infrared light technology and patient-tailored filters to deeply heat dermal collagen and firm areas of loose or sagging skin. With no need for a topical anesthetic, SkinTyte delivers energy in rapid, gentle pulses to promote contraction, initiating the body’s natural healing process.
As an integral part of many patients’ long-term skin maintenance plan, the powerful results of SkinTyte can be used to improve the appearance of severe wrinkles and mild-to-moderate sagging; restore a youthful contour of the face or body; and even help delay or eliminate the need for surgical procedures.
Benefits of SkinTyte
Superior Technology. SkinTyte offers fast, safe and effective treatments tailored to any skin type.
No Downtime. Since there is no downtime, patients may resume their regular activities immediately following treatment.
Long-Lasting Results. Because infrared light energy stimulates the body’s natural healing process to achieve skin tightening, the results of a SkinTyte treatment series are long lasting.
Patients can expect mild redness and swelling similar to a sunburn sensation,and tightness of skin, for a few minutes following the procedure.
However, most patients apply make-up and return to normal activities immediately following treatment.
SkinTyte® is typically performed as part of a series approximately 4-8 weeks long depending on depth and coverage area of the treatment, as well as the health and integrity of the skin being treated.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
How long does it take to see results from SkinTyte?
Results can vary depending on the individual, area being treated, and settings used. However, most patients see peak results from their SkinTyte treatment starting 3 months after their treatment series.
How many SkinTyte treatments will I need?
You will see results from a single treatment; however, the number of treatments will depend on the severity of your skin laxity. A typical patient requires a series of 3 to 5 treatments.
Is SkinTyte safe on darker skin?
Absolutely. Your provider will tailor the parameters of the SkinTyte to you, including your skin type, concerns, and aesthetic goals.
What does SkinTyte feel like?
Each flash of BBL produces a feeling of warmth. Most patients easily tolerate the feeling with no anesthetic numbing cream. Your clinician will advise you on your treatment options.